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Shoshoni Dictionary

Found 67 results containing shoshoni=puha.

Shoshoni English Part of Speech Dialect Source
-ppühantün ~ -ppantün past, perfective tense & aspect v sfx Panamint Dayley 1989
dezipuhagande Possessor of bad medicine Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
napuha supernatural power, (healing) ceremony N Crum&Dayley2
napuha supernatural power; (healing) ceremony N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
napuhaataippüh hexed, bewitched Panamint Dayley 1989
napuhaataippüh bewitched, hexed prp & n Panamint Dayley 1989
napuhakante(n) treatment, cure; one's own doctor N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
napuhakante+n treatment, cure N Crum&Dayley2
napuhakante+n one's doctor N Crum&Dayley2
napuhanai Doctor, being Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
napuhanai be cured, be healed, be treated (for an illness); for a healing ceremony to be held, hold a healing ceremony IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
napuhanai Be treated for illness Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
napuhanai for a healing ceremony to be held, hold a healing ceremony IV Crum&Dayley2
napuhanai be cured, be healed, be treated (for an illness) IV Crum&Dayley2
napuhanainna doctoring, curing, healing; curing service or ceremony N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
nymy-puha-kkantyn, nymy-poha-kkantyn Indian doctor Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
puha healing power N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
puha supernatural power, (powerful) spiritual medicine; healing power N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
puha Power Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
puha Medicine power Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
puha Healing power Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
puha supernatural power, mana n Panamint Dayley 1989
puha supernatural power, (powerful) medicine N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
puha supernatural power, (healing) ceremony N Crum&Dayley2
puha dainkwa Medicine man Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
puha naakkante(n) power being N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
puha naakkante+n power being N Crum&Dayley2
puha naakkantee(n) power being N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
puha naakkantee+n power being.PL N Crum&Dayley2
puha wa'ipe Medicine woman Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
Puha Wa'ippe Medicine Woman N Crum&Dayley2
Puha Wa'ippe Medicine Woman N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
puha yaami'a go on a vision quest; go to seek supernatural power for oneself V Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
puha yaami'a go to seek supernatural power for oneself V WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
puha yaami'a go on a vision quest V WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
puha-i supernatural power, (powerful) medicine-OBJ N Crum&Dayley2
puha-i healing power-OBJ N Crum&Dayley2
puhaah bewitch, hex vt Panamint Dayley 1989
puhagande Medicine person Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
puhai look for, search for vt Panamint Dayley 1989
puhai(n) look for, search for TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
puhai+n look for, search for TV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
puhaimmüih be unable to find vt Panamint Dayley 1989
puhakahni ceremonial house N Crum&Dayley2
puhakahni ceremonial house N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
puhakant-i doctor; healer, medicine person, shaman-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
puhakante(n) doctor; healer, medicine person, shaman N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
puhakante+n doctor; healer, medicine person, shaman N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
puhakantün medicine man, shaman, traditional doctor n Panamint Dayley 1989
puhakuttitain hex, bewitch vt Panamint Dayley 1989
puhanahkande Power being Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
puhanai doctor, treat (a sick person), heal TV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
puhanai Heal Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
puhanai (to) doctor, treat (a sick person), heal TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
puhapoton wand or staff used by a shaman n Panamint Dayley 1989
puppuhakantee(n) doctor; healer, medicine person, shaman N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
puppuhakantee+n doctor; healer, medicine person, shaman.PL N Crum&Dayley2
Sokopitta maappa'ippühantü The Earth Maker Panamint Dayley 1989
Sokopitta Maappa'ippühantün Earth Maker phrase Panamint Dayley 1989
tahma puhatuah renew spiritual power Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
teitseppuha sorcerer, possessor of destructive power N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
tepuhainompeh binoculars N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
tepuhainompeh binoculars N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
tepuhainompeh-a binoculars-OBJ N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
tsoppippüha kütah cut hair Panamint Dayley 1989
tsoppippüha sitokko'e braid hair Panamint Dayley 1989
ümappuhakantün rain doctor n Panamint Dayley 1989
Last Updated: 5/31/23