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Shoshoni Dictionary

Found 398 results beginning with E.

Shoshoni English Part of Speech Dialect Source
e your PRO WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
e you PRO WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
e somewhere abouts, around here dem/loc Panamint Dayley 1989
e You (sing.) Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
E aise hakate Who are you? Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
E aise hakate What lineage are you from? Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
E aise hakate Who's your family? Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
E aise hakate What's your parent's name? Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
E aise hakate? You are who? = Who are you? [asked to find out one's parent's name] Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
E aisen ne haintseh. You are my boyfriend/girlfriend. Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
E aisen ne tei. You are my friend. Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
E aisen ne tei/haintseh You are my friend Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
e ate-sey get up Shoshone Huntington 1872
E ha newe tai̲kwante? Do you speak Shoshoni? Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
E ha taipo tai̲kwante? Do you speak English? Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
E ha u nankasumpaatuhka? Do you understand (it)? Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
e hagani How are you Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
e wisa Please Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
E witsa sai̲manti ne suntehai. Could you please give me some of this? = Please. Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
E witsa saimanti ne suntehainka Could you please give me some of this? Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
E suntehai You might bless me with... = Please. Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
e-bee-bee drink Ute? Huntington 1872
e-chup wolf Shoshone Huntington 1872
e-de'-de red-tailed hawk (Buteo borealis) Shoshone of Idaho (Fort Hall) Merriam 1979
e-hahv'-vimp 422? Panamint Merriam 1979
e-i dead Ute? Huntington 1872
e-iqueay die Ute? Huntington 1872
e-jap'-pah coyote (Canis lestes or ochropus) Goshiute Merriam 1979
ē-jap'-pah coyote (canis lestes or ochropus) Ruby Valley, Nevada Merriam 1979
e-moo sing Shoshone Huntington 1872
e-ne-kend fix or make Ute? Huntington 1872
e-shah-wi'-pah coyote (Canis lestes or ochropus) Panamint Merriam 1979
e-tish in the past Ute? Huntington 1872
e-tish long ago Ute? Huntington 1872
e-tsah' coyote (Canis lestes or ochropus) Shoshone of Idaho (Fort Hall) Merriam 1979
e'-chah coyote (Canis lestes or ochropus) shoshone of Central Nevada Merriam 1979
e'-jah coyote (Canis lestes or ochropus) Southern Nevada Merriam 1979
e'-shă-mo'-nah towhee (Pipilo maculatus) Panamint Merriam 1979
ē'-shen-gwe shrike (lanius) Ruby Valley, Nevada Merriam 1979
e'aa Get a sore or wound Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
e'aa Injury Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
e'adua Developed wound or sore Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
e'apekka(n) have a wound or sore IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
e'appekka+n have a wound or sore IV Crum&Dayley2
e'attsih sore, wound, injury N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
e'attsih sore, wound, injury N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
e'attsih-a sore, wound, injury-OBJ N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
e'attsihpa'i(n) have a sore, wound, or injury INCORP V Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
e'attsihpa'i+n have a sore, wound or injury INCORP V Crum&Dayley2
e'atua develop or get a sore or wound, have a sore or wound, be injured IV Crum&Dayley2
e'atua develop or get a sore or wound, have a sore or wound, be injured IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
e'egi Newly Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
e'eki recently, newly ADV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
e'eki recently, newly ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
e(n) you, your PRO Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
e(n) you, your PRO Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
e[']mmi you Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
e[']nne you Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
ea sore, wound N Miller
ea'a Wound Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ea"-pih kind of small plant with seeds on a stalk that are ripe in July (pigweed ?) N Miller
eabuddunggi butterfly Duckwater Harbin 1988
eaduaxwa chip, crack Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
ear-rint warm Shoshone Huntington 1872
eattsih sore, impetigo-SUBJ N Miller
eattsih-a sore, impetigo-OBJ N Miller
ed'inde it is hot Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
ede'e Hot (expression) Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ede'i Be hot Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ede'i Hot , to be Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ede'iN to be hot Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
ede'inde Heat Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ede'waina Heat wave Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
edinde hot (water) Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
edinde hot (to the touch) Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
edix hot (in general) Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
ee eh! My goodness! intrj Panamint Dayley 1989
eei long time ADV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
eei long time TEMP Miller
eei Long, time Graham 2008
eei Long, time Graham 2008
eei(ttsi) long time ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eeittsi long time ADV Crum&Dayley2
eemüa be crazy vi Panamint Dayley 1989
eenee Scary! Watch out! INTRJCT WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
eenee scary! watch out! INTRJCT Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eenee! Watch out! Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
eese Young son Graham 2008
eese(n) yourself RFLX PRO Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eesen yourself RFLX PRO Crum&Dayley2
ege Fresh Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ege Young Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ege- new Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
egebichi New Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
egebichi Young person Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
egebichi Youth Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
egebichi Young Graham 2008
egebichi Young Graham 2008
egebichi(-ha) new Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
egebinee Modern people Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
egedoboda Infant Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
egedommokhi Come, New Year Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
egeduivits teenage boy Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
egenayfi teenage girl Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
egeni Recently Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
egese Pretty soon Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
egese Right now in a little while Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
egesie Soon Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
egevits new Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
egi now Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
egi beaichehku this morning Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
egi da'za this summer Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
egi da'za gimaginde next summer Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
egi dabai'yi today Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
egi dahwani this spring Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
egi dahwani gimaginde next spring Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
egi do[']mmo this winter Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
egi dommo gimaginde next winter Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
egi yeba'ni this fall Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
egi yeba'ni gimaginde next winter Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
egi yeika this evening Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
egi yeitabai'yi this afternoon Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
egis now Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
egise immediately Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
egishɨvi lick Duckwater Harbin 1988
egitag again Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
egitsidavaiqnhi today Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
egitsie right now Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
egitsiyane just now Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
egwa tongue Duckwater Harbin 1988
egwaddɨhindɨ burp Duckwater Harbin 1988
egwaddɨhindɨ hiccup Duckwater Harbin 1988
egwasoo' Steam Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
egwi smell Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
egwibaanɨwɨ Goshute Duckwater Harbin 1988
egwisenrih sniff Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
egwish sneeze Duckwater Harbin 1988
eh blanket Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
ehe blanket N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ehe blanket-SUBJ N Northern dialect Miller
ehe shawl-SUBJ N Miller
ehe blanket N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ehi blanket-OBJ N Northern dialect Miller
ehi shawl-OBJ N Miller
ehnun ~ aihnun handle of a pine cone hook n Panamint Dayley 1989
eide'inde Hot, something Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
eitse brrh (in response to cold) EXCL Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
eitse'i" cold ADJ Crum&Dayley2
eitse'i" cold N Crum&Dayley2
eitse'i" cold ADJ, N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eitse'i(h) be cold V Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eitse'i+h be cold V Crum&Dayley2
Eitse'ihpaa Cold Springs Toponym Crum&Dayley2
Eitse'ihpaa Cold Springs Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eitse'in be cold V WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1
eitse'int-i cold-OBJ N Crum&Dayley2
eitse'inte(n) cold N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eitse'inte(n)-ti cold N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eitse'inte+n cold N Crum&Dayley2
Eitse'ippaa Cold Springs Toponym Crum&Dayley2
Eitse'ippaa Cold Springs Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eitsee brrh (in response to cold) EXCL Crum&Dayley2
eitsee brrh (in response to cold) INTRJCT Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eitsei cold (of a thing) ADJ Miller
eittün this (special) kind dem Panamint Dayley 1989
eizhe Cold Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
eizhe baa Cold spring Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
eizi'i Be cold Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
eizinde cold (weather) Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
eizisuwaxe cool Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
eizixa cold Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
eke new, young, fresh ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
eke newly, just ADV Crum&Dayley2
eke new, young ADJ Miller
eke new, young, fresh; newly, just ADJ,ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ekepittseh young person, youth.SG N Crum&Dayley2
ekepittseh young person, youth N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ekepittsehnee young person, youth.PL N Crum&Dayley2
ekepittsehnee young person, youth N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ekepittsih modern people N Miller
ekethɨ'nɨwɨ modern people Duckwater Harbin 1988
eki now, at this time ADV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
eki here Duckwater Harbin 1988
eki" now, at this time ADV Crum&Dayley2
eki" now, at this time ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ekih now TEMP Miller
ekinaaX first ADJ Miller
ekise(n) pretty soon, still ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ekise+n pretty soon, still ADV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ekittapa_i_ma nowadays ADV Crum&Dayley2
ekittapa_i_ni nowadays ADV Crum&Dayley2
ekittapai̲ma nowadays ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ekittapai̲nni nowadays ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ekittsi right now, today ADV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ekittsi now-a-days TEMP Miller
ekittsi right now, today ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ekka this (one) near here; him, her dem obj new Panamint Dayley 1989
ekkehsaH to yawn V Miller
ekkih here abouts, near here loc Panamint Dayley 1989
ekkkoihkan be asleep, be sleeping IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ekkoih sleep, fall asleep.PL IV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ekkoiH to sleep.DL.SUBJ V Miller
ekkoiH to sleep.PL.SUBJ V Miller
ekkoih sleep, fall asleep IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ekkoihka(n) be asleep IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ekkoika+n be asleep.PL IV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ekkwa emphatic particle used with demonstratives and nouns indicating "that very one" PRT Miller
ekkwi smell.DUR TV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ekkwi smell TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ekkwikki(n) sniff (around) V Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ekkwikki+n sniff (around) V WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ekon tongue n Panamint Dayley 1989
eku pine, one hook Duckwater Harbin 1988
ekukantün porcupine n Panamint Dayley 1989
ekupittsi ~ aikupittsi cactus, thorn, porcupine, prickly pear n Panamint Dayley 1989
ekwi Smell to Graham 2008
ekwi Smell to Graham 2008
ekwi" smell TV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ekwi" smell TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ekwiG to smell something TV Miller
ekwiki' Sniff (around) Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
em you Ute? Huntington 1872
Em buinuhi See you later Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
em puinnuhi Greeting Crum&Dayley2
Em puinnuhi I'll see you sometime. = Goodbye Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
em-boo-e-bit blue Shoshone Huntington 1872
em-pah foot Shoshone Huntington 1872
ema patompittseh rainbow N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1
ema" rain IV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ema" rain IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
emaH to rain V Miller
emappatomittseh rainbow N Crum&Dayley2
emappatompittseh rainbow N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
emat-i rain-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
emate(n) rain N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
emate(n) rain IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
emate+n rain N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
embinai After you Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
embinangw after Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
embinangwase after you Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
emembayqe your vein Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
emme(n) you, your PRO Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
emmese Yourself Graham 2008
emmese Yourself Graham 2008
emmese(n) yourself RFLX PRO Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
emmese+n yourself RFLX PRO Crum&Dayley2
emmi you.OBJ PRO WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
emmi you; you, your PRO Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
emmigiwaga Beside you Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
en you, your PRO WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
en you.OBJ PRO Crum&Dayley2
en your PRO WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
eN Your Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
eN you Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
eN your Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
ene scary, frightful ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1
ene'e spirit (being) N Crum&Dayley2
ene'e Spirit (scary being) Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ene'e spirit (being); something scary N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
enee scary, frightful ADJ Crum&Dayley2
enee Frightful Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
enee Scary Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
enee scary, frightful ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
enee! Oh! Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
enee'i Frightening Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
eng'-wah gray ground squirrel (Citellus beecheyi group) Panamint Merriam 1979
enga-mo-wanya Gilia aggregata Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
enga-mo-wanya Gilia aggregata Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
enga-moh-wanya Aquilegia formosa Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
enga-moh-wanya Aquilegia formosa Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
enga-moo-y-nee Aquilegia formosa Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
enga-moo-y-nee Aquilegia formosa Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
enga-mutch-oh-y-newie Gilia aggregata Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
enga-mutch-oh-y-newie Gilia aggregata Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
enga-mutz-oh-wanna Aquilegia formosa Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
enga-mutz-oh-wanna Aquilegia formosa Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
enga-pah-wah-ga Artemisia dracunculoides Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
enga-pah-wah-ga Artemisia dracunculoides Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
enga-pah-wee-ah Rumex crispus Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
enga-pah-wee-ah Rumex crispus Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
engabishɨ indian paint brush Duckwater Harbin 1988
engabithɨ red Duckwater Harbin 1988
engadasiwinj ant, red Duckwater Harbin 1988
engadasiwinj red ant Duckwater Harbin 1988
engagaithɨ red Duckwater Harbin 1988
engapadanki strawberries Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
engayqe your forehead Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
enggemui fly (noun) Duckwater Harbin 1988
enggemui housefly Duckwater Harbin 1988
engwehuhabaisembidevite Has your wife returned yet? Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
engwü squirrel sp (with long fluffy tail and white neck) n Panamint Dayley 1989
enhadekanu Have you eaten yet? Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
enhaganiyonde sakahanifuni Why are you doing that? Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
enka-muih, enka-mih fly (insect) Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
enkapi-pponoa-cci" radish Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
enkinaa(n) first NO Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
enkinaa+n first NUM WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
enna(ttsi) ~ ainna(ttsi) turtle, tortoise n Panamint Dayley 1989
enne you, your PRO Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
enne" an exclamation indicating surprise or fright EXCL Miller
enne(n) you, your PRO Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ennee! Exclamative Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ennee" an exclamation indicating surprise or fright EXCL Miller
ennenabuihte Be strange Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ennettsi scary ADJ Miller
enni this way, like this adv Panamint Dayley 1989
enq you (sg.) Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
enuhi exhausted, pooped out ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
enwade rain Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
enwamaxwayhi end of rain Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
ep-wee sleep Shoshone Huntington 1872
ep-weh sleep Ute? Huntington 1872
epa'an ~ epan here abouts, on this adv Panamint Dayley 1989
epagande Level Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
epai cocoon Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
epe" ~ epi" here, near here (out of sight) adv Panamint Dayley 1989
epimpi(ppüh) ~ aipimpi(ppüh) white paint n Panamint Dayley 1989
epimpitün white adj Panamint Dayley 1989
epin ~ aipin chalk, gypsum n Panamint Dayley 1989
eppeih sleep, fall asleep.SG IV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
eppeiH to sleep.SG.SUBJ V Miller
eppeih sleep, fall asleep IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eppeihka(n) be asleep IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eppeihka(n) be asleep, be sleeping IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eppeihka+n be asleep.SG IV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
eppeikki(n) doze off, fall alseep IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eppeikki+n doze off, fall asleep IV Crum&Dayley2
eppeipekkah get sleepy, be sleepy IV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
eppeipekkah(kan) get sleepy, be sleepy IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eppeipekkahkan get sleepy, be sleepy IV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
epppaikesapa yawn Duckwater Harbin 1988
epui Sleep Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
epuibeka Get sleepy Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
epuidoiq will sleep Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
epuih sleep Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
epuihka Be asleep Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
epuithigi Doze off Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
epuiwiate Be sleepy Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ese Yourself Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ese(n) yourself RFLX PRO Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
esen yourself RFLX PRO WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
esh'-shing-gwin'-nah shrike (Lanius) shoshone of Central Nevada Merriam 1979
esha-wanna Clematis ligusticifolia Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
esha-wanna Clematis ligusticifolia Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
esha-wannup Clematis ligusticifolia Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
esha-wannup Clematis ligusticifolia Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
eshap'pu juniperberry Duckwater Harbin 1988
eshinbithɨ gray Duckwater Harbin 1988
eshinggaidɨ gray Duckwater Harbin 1988
eshɨ is Duckwater Harbin 1988
eshɨ eshɨ thanks Duckwater Harbin 1988
Eso White Rock area near Beatty n top Panamint Dayley 1989
esoofe cheek Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
esoteppai snore V Miller
esotoppa̅i̅ to snore V Miller
esümpi(tün) gray adj Panamint Dayley 1989
esün this’s the one that . . .; it’s that exst & cleft dem Panamint Dayley 1989
etei(n) be hot IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
etei+n be hot IV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
eteiH hot (of a thing) ADJ Miller
eteint-i heat-OBJ N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
eteinte(n) heat, hot N,ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
eteinte+n heat N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
etsataikwa talk in sleep Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
etse unpleasant odor or taste N Miller
etsunriku shut eyes Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
ettsemiH to close the eyes V Miller
ettun through here loc Panamint Dayley 1989
etü this (one) near here; he, she, it dem new Panamint Dayley 1989
etum old Ute? Huntington 1872
etümmü these near here; they pl dem new Panamint Dayley 1989
etün ~ aitün gun, bow n Panamint Dayley 1989
etungku these two near here dl dem new Panamint Dayley 1989
ewa drunk Duckwater Harbin 1988
ewa Rain Graham 2008
ewa Rain Graham 2008
ewabatombichi Rainbow Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ewahandɨ intoxicated Duckwater Harbin 1988
ewaithɨ like this Duckwater Harbin 1988
ewapɨ alcoholic Duckwater Harbin 1988
ewapɨ drunkard Duckwater Harbin 1988
ewatainne Rainbow Graham 2008
ewebahu Tobacco, Indian Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ewenangwase before you Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
ewenangwe before Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
ewesuwadegiha miss Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
eyanganahape Danger Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
eye-go-dun-um Phlox longifolia Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
eye-go-dun-um Phlox longifolia Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
eyed Be teary Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
eyeiG tilted Miller
ezeisuan Sad Graham 2008
ezeisuan Sad Graham 2008
ezhe'ika'nna that it is cold, while it is cold Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
ezhe'iN to be cold Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
ezhe'inde (-'indi) (it) is cold Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
ezhe'inniku as cold (as) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
ezisuwax cool Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
Last Updated: 5/31/23