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Shoshoni Dictionary

Found 311 results containing english=cat.

Shoshoni English Part of Speech Dialect Source
-‘ana locative postposition (diffuse/unspec. area/time) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-(h)yente(n) nominalizing postpositions (locative > noun) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-(h)yunte(n) nominalizing postpositions (locative > noun) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-hoi locative postposition (surrounding) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-ka locative postposition (static) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-ka" to catch hold of something Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
-kapa(n) locative postposition (between, midst) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-katyh to catch hold of, to hold in place Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
-kki(h) locative spec. area pron. (+dem. prefixes) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-kku(h) locative spec. area pron. (+dem. prefixes) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-kuppa locative postposition (inessive) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-kwa locative postposition (other side; far away) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-kwa Directional afverb, verb suffix, indicating movement away from speaker Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
-ma(a)nanku locative postposition (other side; far away) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-ma(n) locative postposition (up(on), above; high) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-nka(n) applicative (benefactive, causative; +trans.) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-nke(n) applicative (benefactive, causative; +trans.) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-paitih to scatter (pl. obj.) Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
-pinnai(h) locative postposition (-pi ‘butt’; -nai ‘from) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-pinnankwa; -maanankwa locative postposition (-pi ‘butt’; -nankwa ~ -nanku ‘side’; maa- facing away from speaker/pi- toward spkr; latter two, No. Sho.) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-se(n) suffix of identity locatives; reflexive pron. Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-tepiha(ka) locative postpositions (in the middle; center) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-tsa̅i̅H to catch up with TINSTRV Miller
-ttsi diminutive, affectionate, classificatory form n sfx Panamint Dayley 1989
-ttüah place, location form n Panamint Dayley 1989
-tukka locative postposition (below, beneath) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-wenankwa(ku) locative postposition (in front of; No. Sho.) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
?go'ŭn scar or cicatrix Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'po Atriplex truncata Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
aboo Supplicate Graham 2008
aiweakhande Intoxicated Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
am'-mah-wah catfish or bullhead Shoshone of Idaho (Fort Hall) Merriam 1979
añ'i ta fly-catcher, yellow-bellied striped Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
bah-soh-nip Catabrosa aquatica form v sfx Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
bah-soh-nip Catabrosa aquatica Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
be'aitengahte outside (used w static verb that indicates no motion) [adv of place] Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
bi'-a-gûnt Catkin,female, of willows, etc. Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
bi'agi Caterpillar Graham 2008
bi'agi Caterpillar Graham 2008
biagɨ' caterpillar Duckwater Harbin 1988
biwea' Defecate loosely and continuously Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
biweade Defecate loosely and continuously Graham 2008
biweade Defecate loosely and continuously Graham 2008
buduhui scatter Duckwater Harbin 1988
ca-kka" to catch hold of something with the hand Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
dacai catch up with Duckwater Harbin 1988
dah-gah'-re-kah turkey buzzard (cathartes) shoshone of Central Nevada Merriam 1979
daoda Locate Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
dats'zai Catch up with Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
dembuiha Watch (as a specatator) Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
dezimiyanga Chased (miss catching) Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
doe cattail Duckwater Harbin 1988
doi Cattail Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
doo'-ko-vitch bob-cat (lynx fasciatus) Ruby Valley, Nevada Merriam 1979
dukubich/maiumbich bobcat Duckwater Harbin 1988
dukubichi Cat Graham 2008
dukubichi Cat Graham 2008
dukubichi Bobcat Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ekkwa emphatic particle used with demonstratives and nouns indicating "that very one" PRT Miller
enne" an exclamation indicating surprise or fright EXCL Miller
ennee" an exclamation indicating surprise or fright EXCL Miller
ewahandɨ intoxicated Duckwater Harbin 1988
gahtei' People at (specific location) Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
gahtei' at, people at (a specific location) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
gedii' cat Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
gɨɨdi cat Duckwater Harbin 1988
guchunɨ cattle Duckwater Harbin 1988
gwitha defacate Duckwater Harbin 1988
hannih do, make, fix, prepare, gather, hunt, fetch, catch vt Panamint Dayley 1989
hannihkaN to be situated/located Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
hannihkande is situated/located Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
hea' Catch Graham 2008
hea' Catch Graham 2008
hea" trap, set a trap, catch TV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
hea" trap, set a trap, catch TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
hi' turkey buzzard (cathartes) Ruby Valley, Nevada Merriam 1979
hipittaingkün intoxicate, make drunk vt Panamint Dayley 1989
hɨɨa catch Duckwater Harbin 1988
hya", hy'a" to trap or catch something Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ĭ'-djam-ûm-bu-i Catkin, male, of willow, etc. Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
iyadukubiche Wildcat Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
jaa-ttikih to catch hold of something Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
jaa" to get, to carry, to take, to take hold, to catch hold, to pick up Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
kaattu cat n Panamint Dayley 1989
kah-moon'-gah-hă wilson snipe (Gallinago delicata) Panamint Merriam 1979
kahni-kyti house cat Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
kapaayu pungku domesticated horse Panamint Dayley 1989
katü sit, camp, stay; be located, situated; do awhile vi & aux Panamint Dayley 1989
keedekiq cat Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
keti(h) cat N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
keti+h cat N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ketih cat-SUBJ N Miller
ketih-a cat N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ketih-a cat-OBJ N Miller
ki'-tim-shoo Canyon wren (Catherpes) Southern Nevada Merriam 1979
kiidi Cat Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ko'-ga-bi Polygonum imbricatum Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
ko'-ka-bi Polygonum imbricatum Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
ko'garûmpi Polygonum imbricatum Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
ku'-so-nĭp Brizopyrum spicatum Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
kuchunee Cattle Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
kuiccun buffalo (aboriginal meaning, now pia-kuiccun), head of cattle, meat (rare usage) Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
kuittsun head of cattle-SUBJ N Miller
kuittsun-a head of cattle-OBJ N Miller
kuittsunkanten cattleman, cattle owner N Crum&Dayley1
kuittsunkanten-na cattleman, cattle owner-OBJ N Crum&Dayley1
kwikkwihtu(n) defecate, shit (vulgar) IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
kwikkwihtu+n defecate, shit.DISTRIB IV Crum&Dayley2
kwisi-nkyh to entangle (trans.), to trap (trans.), to catch (trans.) Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
kwisinka(n) trap, catch, ensnare, net, entangle TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
kwisinka+n trap, catch, ensnare, net, entangle TV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
kwisinke(n) trap, catch, ensnare, net, entangle TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
kwisinke+n trap, catch, ensnare, net, entangle TV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
kwita" defecate IV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
kwita" defecate, poop, shit (vulgar) IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
kwita" shit, defecate vi Panamint Dayley 1989
kwita" to defecate Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
kwitaG to defecate V Miller
kwitha Defecate Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
kwitta defecate.DUR IV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
kwitta defecate, poop, shit (vulgar) IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
kwüü" ~ kwüün catch; own, possess; marry vt Panamint Dayley 1989
kyti cat Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
kyti-am mocon cat’s whiskers Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
kyti-an mocon cat’s whiskers Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
kyti, pia-kkyti-cci" tractor, caterpillar tractor (called a “cat” in English Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ma̲i̲ quotative sentence-final predicate Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
maiumzi Bobcat Graham 2008
maiumzi Bobcat Graham 2008
moo-chi ch cat Ute? Huntington 1872
moontsih domesticated onion-SUBJ N Miller
moontsih-a domesticated onion-OBJ N Miller
motsom pAInkwi catfish N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
motsom pai̲nkwi catfish N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
motsom pAInkwi-ø catfish-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
motsom pangwi catfish n Panamint Dayley 1989
muiyai get drunk, intoxicated vi Panamint Dayley 1989
muiyai(tai)ppüh drunk, intoxicated pp Panamint Dayley 1989
muiyaingkün intoxicate, make drunk vt Panamint Dayley 1989
na-ppeh the edible part of the cattail ('saippeh') between the stem and the root N Miller
na'akka locative postpositions (in the middle; center) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
naattü cat, kitty n Panamint Dayley 1989
naattü pungku pet cat Panamint Dayley 1989
naduhkande Be scattered Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
nakottoo ~ nokottoo catch on fire; be cremated vi pass Panamint Dayley 1989
nanahaitah be scattered IV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
nanahaitah(kan) be, become, get; live; be scattered LINK V, IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
nanahaitahkan be scattered IV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
nanahapantün ~ nanakapantün scattered only among some, intermingled adj Panamint Dayley 1989
nanaohpü scattered, dispersed adj Panamint Dayley 1989
nanatehsu'u Medicate oneself Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
nanichawai Supplicate Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
nanichawainga Supplicate for someone Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
nanittsawaih beseech, appeal to/for, supplicate for TV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
nanittsawaih(kan) beseech, appeal to/for, supplicate for TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
nanittsawaihkan beseech, appeal to/for, supplicate for TV Crum&Dayley2
nanittsawainka(n) beseech (someone) for, appeal to (someone) for, supplicate (someone) for TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
nanittsawainka+n beseech (someone) for, appeal to (someone) for, supplicate (someone) for TV Crum&Dayley2
nanittsawainke(n) beseech (someone) for, appeal to (someone) for, supplicate (someone) for TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
nanittsawainke+n beseech (someone) for, appeal to (someone) for, supplicate (someone) for TV Crum&Dayley2
natekih be placed, be located, be put IV Crum&Dayley2
natekih(ka) be placed, be located, be put; be buried IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
natekihka be placed, be located, be put IV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
natian-tyn sumanaih to be educated Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
natsattekih be placed (with hand), put, located IV Crum&Dayley2
natsattekih(kan) be placed (with hand), put, located, lie in state (of a deceased) IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
natsattekihkan be placed (with hand), put, located IV Crum&Dayley2
natsattekihkante(n) placed, located, lying in state (of deceased) ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
natsattekihkante+n placed, located ADJ Crum&Dayley2
nattusu'uwa medicate, treat vt Panamint Dayley 1989
new-wă'-rŭh-koo-itch bob-cat(lynx fasciatus) Panamint Merriam 1979
nunutaangwünü run around scattered about vi pl Panamint Dayley 1989
nuupaih ~ yuunaah ~ yingka sit (down), stay, camp, be located vi pl Panamint Dayley 1989
o'-hah só-nĭp salt grass (Distichlis spicata) Ruby Valley, Nevada Merriam 1979
o'-hah so'-nip salt grass (Distichlis spicata) Southern Nevada Merriam 1979
pă-ranz'-ă-whe Canyon wren (Catherpes) shoshone of Central Nevada Merriam 1979
pa'-bĭp Commonly used as a general term indicating plants or wet places with the leaves floating or above the water ? Dodecatheon meadia Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
pa'-hu-ip Shooting Star (Dodecatheon) Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
pa'a(in) locative postposition (up(on), above; high) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
pah-vah'-dah-pah Canyon wren (Catherpes) Shoshone of Idaho (Fort Hall) Merriam 1979
pah'-wung california condor (Cathartes) Panamint Merriam 1979
painkwihea fish, catch fish, trap fish TV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
painkwihea fish, catch fish, trap fish TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
pAIti" throw, scatter.PL TV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
paiti" to throw, to scatter (pl. obj.) Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
paiti" to throw, to scatter Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
pai̲ti" throw, scatter; sow, plant TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
paitiG to throw, to scatter.PL.OBJ V Miller
pang-gwitch-tsi to catch fish Ute? Huntington 1872
pas-shoo-tum salt grass (distichilis spicata) Panamint Merriam 1979
pehewoafi caterpillar Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
pi'a ga caterpillar Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
pi'ake(n) caterpillar N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
pi'ake+n caterpillar N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
pi'aken-na caterpillar-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
pia-kyti-cci caterpillar tractor Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
piaken caterpillar N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
piaken caterpillar-SUBJ N Miller
piaken-a caterpillar-OBJ N Miller
piaken-na caterpillar-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
piakii Caterpillar Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
piakün caterpillar, grub n Panamint Dayley 1989
pihuitsittsiki defecate extremely loosely and continuously V Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
pihuittsi defecate loosely and quickly V WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
pihuittsi defecate loosely and quickly V Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
pihuittsittsiki defecate extremely loosely and continuously V Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
pĭn'ji rrŭ fly-catcher, yellow-bellied Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
po-ney polecat Ute? Huntington 1872
pu'hi wa bi tent-caterpillar Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
pu'i wa bĭt caterpillar (various hairy forms) Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
pui(si) tosapi cataracts n Panamint Dayley 1989
putuaG to scatter about V Miller
putuhiG to scatter about V Miller
sā'-do-ho bob-cat(lynx fasciatus) Shoshone of Idaho (Fort Hall) Merriam 1979
saitoih cattail (Typha latifolia) N Miller
sehedukubichi(-ha) bobcat Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
sehetukuvits bobcat Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
setan (indicates indefiniteness; used with locative and temporal adverbs) Miller
seten (indicates indefiniteness; used with locative and temporal adverbs) Miller
siipuduixu scatter a fire Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
sisymmy few, here and there, scattered Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
sisymmy here and there, scattered, a few Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
suakkwaiyah unable to catch the breath, run out of breath IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
süütukupiyoi flycatcher n Panamint Dayley 1989
taha" put (away), locate, situate, place vt pl-dl Panamint Dayley 1989
tahna" put, place, locate, store.PL TV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
tahna" put, place, locate, store.PL TV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
tahna" put, place, locate, store; bury TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
tahwi throw, scatter.SG TV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
tahwii throw, scatter.SG TV Crum&Dayley2
tattsaimpitü catch up with vt Panamint Dayley 1989
taw-e toi flat tule or cat0tail (Typha latifolia) Goshiute Merriam 1979
taw'-e flat tule or cat-tail (Typha latifolia) Ruby Valley, Nevada Merriam 1979
tawi throw, scatter.SG TV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
tawiih throw, scatter.SG TV Crum&Dayley2
teki" put, place, locate, store.SG TV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
teki" put, place, locate, store.SG TV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
teki" put, place, locate, store; bury TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
tekih put, place, locate, store; bury TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
tekotaH to spread, to scatter V Miller
tempaihea" fish, catch fish TV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
tempai̲hea" fish, catch fish TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
tepaiti" throw, scatter IV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
tepai̲ti" throw, scatter; sow, plant IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
tetawenne stand scattered about; place posts scattered about IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
tĭ'-so-nĭp Cat’s-tail (Phleum); Foxtail Grass (Alopecurus) Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
tĭm'-pi-sa-gwûp Catchfly Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
timma-sen (exclamative indicating past or completed action) EXCL Miller
to-ro'-kwe dik'-kĕ turkey buzzard (cathartes) Shoshone of Idaho (Fort Hall) Merriam 1979
to'-ĭmp Cat-tail Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
to'i(pi) ~ to'ippüh cattail tule n Panamint Dayley 1989
to'ippeh cattail N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
to'ippeh cattail (with edible stalk) N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
to'ippeh-a cattail-OBJ N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
toi cattail (Typha latifolia) N Miller
toi cattail Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
toi-e'-bah flat tule or cat-tail (Typha latifolia) Shoshone of Idaho (Fort Hall) Merriam 1979
toi-ppeh cattail (Typha latifolia)-SUBJ N Miller
toi-ppeh-a cattail (Typha latifolia)-OBJ N Miller
toi' flat tule or cat-tail (Typha latifolia) Southern Nevada Merriam 1979
toih cattail (Typha latifolia) N Miller
too'-ko-bitch bob-cat(lynx fasciatus) shoshone of Central Nevada Merriam 1979
too'-ko-vitch bob-cat(lynx fasciatus) Southern Nevada Merriam 1979
took'-koo-witch bob-cat(Lynx fasciatus) Goshiute Merriam 1979
toom'-be-tab'-be-at-se Canyon wren (Catherpes) Panamint Merriam 1979
tsa'ai Catch Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
tsai" hold, grasp, catch TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
tsai" ~ tse" grasp, catch vt Panamint Dayley 1989
tsangunah ~ tsattükih put, place, locate, situate, set vt Panamint Dayley 1989
tsapputtuhi scatter vt Panamint Dayley 1989
tsapudui Scatter Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
tsatanri shake out, scatter Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
tsattanah place, put, locate.SG TV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
tsattanah place, put, locate TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
tsattani'ih place, put, locate.PL TV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
tsattani'ih place, put, locate TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
tsattekih(kan) place with hand, put, locate TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
tsi catch Ute? Huntington 1872
tu'ku bĭtc wildcat Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
tüki" put (away), locate, situate, place vt & v instr sg-dl Panamint Dayley 1989
tukku wika wild cat blanket Panamint Dayley 1989
tukku-piccih cat, wildcat Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
tukku-ppiccih bob cat Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
tukkupittseh bobcat, wild cat N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
tukkupittseh bobcat, wildcat N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
tukkupittseh-a bobcat, wild cat-OBJ N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
tukkupittsi bobcat, wild cat n Panamint Dayley 1989
tümu'ippüh design; devil’s claw, cat’s claw n Panamint Dayley 1989
tupoontukkupittsi desert bobcat n Panamint Dayley 1989
wa'-si-pĭt Catchfly Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
wagande Cat Graham 2008
wañ'i ta fly-catcher, yellow-bellied striped Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
we-hum'-bitch turkey buzzard (cathartes) Panamint Merriam 1979
wepudui Scatter Graham 2008
wepudui Scatter Graham 2008
wi'-tcûb Tristetum subspicatum Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
wik'-kŏm-bitch turkey buzzard (cathartes) Goshiute Merriam 1979
win'-num'-bitch turkey buzzard (cathartes) Southern Nevada Merriam 1979
witch ung-i-nunk catch with lasso Ute? Huntington 1872
wɨppia scatter Duckwater Harbin 1988
ya-temp Larrea divaricata Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
ya-temp Larrea divaricata Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
ynny" dangerous or wild animal (e.g. bear, mountain lion, bobcat) Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
yo'-go-ti-wi-ya Catchfly Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
yogo' Fornicate Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
yoko" copulate, fornicate, have sex, make love V Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
yookontukkupittsi valley bobcat n Panamint Dayley 1989
yükwi sit, camp, stay; be positioned, located, situated vi & aux dl Panamint Dayley 1989
yuunaah ~ nuupaih sit, stay, camp, be located, be situated vi pl Panamint Dayley 1989
zekihande Intoxicated Graham 2008
zekihande Intoxicated Graham 2008
Last Updated: 5/31/23