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Shoshoni Dictionary

Found 1283 results beginning with A.

Shoshoni English Part of Speech Dialect Source
-'a object case suffixes Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-'aipui destroy V INSTR Crum&Dayley2
-'aipui destroy INSTR V Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
-'aipunni destroy V INSTR Crum&Dayley2
-'aipunni destroy INSTR V Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
-'amih make, build v object incorp Panamint Dayley 1989
-‘ana locative postposition (diffuse/unspec. area/time) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-(a)n noun/pron. possessive suffix Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-a object case suffixes Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-a objective obj case sfx Panamint Dayley 1989
-a- demonstrative prefix (-SPKR, -FAR; +VIS) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-aanniiH to push down.PL.OBJ TINSTRV Miller
-ahi dual dl obj n sfx Panamint Dayley 1989
-ai- demonstrative prefix (+SPKR, +FAR) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-a̲i̲- demonstrative prefix (+SPKR, +FAR) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
-ammü ~ -mmü plural pl n sfx Panamint Dayley 1989
-ancoh-kwai" to poke, to prod Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
-angku ~ -(mu)ngku dual dl n sfx Panamint Dayley 1989
-anniiH to push down.PL.OBJ TINSTRV Miller
? a'sañ gots spider, grass Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
?a'ka na bun beetle, lady-bird Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a there; that, it, him, her dem/loc new & prn obj Panamint Dayley 1989
a- that, there yonder DEM/LOC BASE Crum&Dayley2
a- that, there yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ă-ă'-per-rum butterfly Ruby Valley, Nevada Merriam 1979
a-ran-guts grasshopper Ute? Huntington 1872
ă-ting grasshopper Goshiute Merriam 1979
a; ha horn Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'-da-rûm-bĭp Snowberry Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
a'-da-rûm-bĭp New Jersey Tea Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
a'-di-rûm-bĭp New Jersey Tea Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
a'-di-rûm-bĭp-äñ-ka-sip New Jersey Tea. Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
a'-kĕn-dzĭp Arrow root Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
a'-na-gwa-nûp Torr. and Gray_x000B_ Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
a'-ra-dŭm-bĭp Snow berry Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
a'-ra-si-mu Clematis; Virgin’s Bower Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
ă'-rah crow (Corvus americanus) Shoshone of Idaho (Fort Hall) Merriam 1979
a'a horn, cow's Duckwater Harbin 1988
a'a Horn Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
A'aa Indian Crow Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
a'aa' Crow Indian Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
A'aa' Crow Indian Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
a'aa'(-a) Crow Indian Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
a'aana That other place Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
a'ahwai miss (a shot in hunting).PL TV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
a'ahwai miss (a shot in hunting), miss (a shot or target), miss aim; dig TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a'akkuh there yonder somewhere LOC Crum&Dayley2
a'akkuh there yonder somewhere Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a'akkuse(n) way back then, long ago ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a'akkuse+n way back then, long ago ADV Crum&Dayley2
a'akuse Way back then Graham 2008
a'ana that place DEM/LOC Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
a'ana there somewhere yonder DEM/LOC WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
a'ana that place, there somewhere yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a'ate(n) somewhere ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a'ate+n somewhere ADV Crum&Dayley2
a'atuse Way back then Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
a'ayente(n) somewhere Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a'ayente+n somewhere LOC Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
a'bo diaphragm Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'gai whale Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'gai salmon Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'ibudoonkih Butterfly Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
a'ipputoonkih butterfly N Miller
a'ipputoonkih-a butterfly-OBJ N Miller
a'ipputunkih, e'ipputunkih butterfly Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
a'ka Name of plant not identified with certainty Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
a'ka mo go ru ĭtc moth, sphinx Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'ka na buñ bug, stink Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'ma tsu bĭtc grasshopper, long-horned Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'ma tŭmp rib Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'na axilla; arm-pit Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'ni ant Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'ni ant, black Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'ni beaver Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'ni bo fly, house Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'ni gwi tchŭk ant, red Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'ni ki chickadee, mountain Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'ni su ŭnts spider general term Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'ni su ŭnts a wa na spider-web Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'ni(n) ant, black ant (especially with red head), black ant, pissant N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a'ni+n black ant, piss ant N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
a'nii beaver N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
a'nii Beaver Graham 2008
a'nii beaver N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a'nii-'a beaver-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
a'nimuih fly N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
a'nimuih fly Goshiute Merriam 1979
a'nimuih fly N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a'nimuih-a fly-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
A'nimuiham Pampi Fly('s) Head Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a'nin-na black ant, piss ant-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
A'o-gwa Butterfield Creek, Salt Lake Co. Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
a'pa Valerianella congesta DC Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
A'pa-ya-wi-ûp Name for extreme southern portion of Oquirrh Mountains or west slope of same. The name is given to this section as the scene of a very disastrous and long drawn out conflict between the Gosiute and another Indian tribe, which one the author has been Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
a'pam-pi one name of the last chief of the tribe who was also known under the common chieftain name ta'bi. Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
a'po Atriplex truncata Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
A'rĭm-pi Dugway Mountains Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
a'rĭm-pi a man. Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
a'rra si wĭtc ant, black Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'rran gotsabi ant, red Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'rron ko dam pa teeth, of lower jaw Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'rrŭ pa mandible Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'rrŭm yĭm a gĭn muscle, masseter Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'rrŭn da kam bĭntc thyroid Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'rrŭp mandible Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'rrŭts (Goship)_x000B_ beetle, wood-boorer, larva of Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'shi wu da bear, grizzly Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'soonzi Rust Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
a'ta ko palate, hard Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'tĭñ locust, short-horned (general term) Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'tŭñ locust, short-horned (general term) Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'wa tu bi grasshopper, long-horned Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
a'waN rib(s), rib cage Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
a'wo dish, plate Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
a[']waN(-na) rib(s), rib cage Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
a[']wo(awoi') dish, plate Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aa in sight, visible adv Panamint Dayley 1989
aa guha Stag Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aa- pale, whitish ADJ Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aa-hipi-nympyh dipper Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aa-ttankih grasshopper Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aa-ttoko potato bug Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aa' antler Duckwater Harbin 1988
aa' Antler Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aa" gray ADJ Miller
aa" whitish adj stem Panamint Dayley 1989
aa"- grey, dull (of color) Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aa"-pin kind of plant with edible root that grows in north N Miller
aa(‘a) oh, ah interj Panamint Dayley 1989
aa(n) horn, antler N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aa+n horn N Miller, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aa+n antler N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aado'i Turn pale Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aado'ihtaipe Turned pale Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aagwayq bear Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
aagwis sneeze Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
a̲a̲i̲meaH drunk ADJ Miller
a̲a̲i̲meaH crazy ADJ Miller
aaimya-ppy drunk person, crazy person Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aaimyah drunk, crazy Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aama(ppüh) horn, antler n Panamint Dayley 1989
Aamutsa Pale Point (valley of North Fork, NV) Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aan horn, antler Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aan kuantsi buck deer N Crum&Dayley2
aan kuantsi stag N Crum&Dayley2
aan kuantsi buck deer, stag (song form) N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aan kuha buck deer N Crum&Dayley2
aan kuha stag N Crum&Dayley2
aan kuha buck deer, stag N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aan kuhma buck deer N Crum&Dayley2
aan kuhma stag N Crum&Dayley2
aan kuhma buck deer, stag N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aan-a horn-OBJ N Miller
aan-na horn-OBJ N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aan-na antler-OBJ N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aani egg, ant Duckwater Harbin 1988
aani ant(s) Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aani ant(s) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
Aanoo Cree N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
Aanoo Cree N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
Aanoo-a Cree-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aantsi'i termite N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aantsi'i termite N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aantsi'i-'a termite-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aanzi Termite Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aapihte(n) pale, whitish ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aapihte+n pale, whitish ADJ Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aapo Apple Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aapo' apple Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aapo' apple Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aapo'o apple Duckwater Harbin 1988
aappa̲i̲ kind of plant with edible root that grows in north N Miller
aaq antler, horn Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
aaqe Crow Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
aasiputungkwi(ttsi) butterfly, moth n Panamint Dayley 1989
aato'i Fade Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aato'ih turn pale IV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aato'ih fade IV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aato'ih turn pale, fade IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aato'ihtaipeh Faded Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aato'ihtaippeh faded ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aato'ihtaippeh turned pale ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aato'ihtaippeh faded, turned pale Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aattainkih grasshopper N Miller
aattako potato bug n & name Panamint Dayley 1989
aattangki(ttsi) grasshopper n Panamint Dayley 1989
aattoko potato bug N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aattoko potato bug N Miller
aattoko potato bug N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aattoko-'a potato bug N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aattsaa ~ üüttsaa Nasty! How awful! interj Panamint Dayley 1989
aattümpi white rock Panamint Dayley 1989
aattuse(n) from way back (in time), way back then; in time ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aattuse+n from way back (in time), way back then ADV Crum&Dayley2
aattuse+n in time ADV Crum&Dayley2
aba'ai Back then Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
abaise Sunflower, seed Graham 2008
Abaiwanishe' Since back in time Graham 2008
abi, sabai Around thereyonder Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
abisha'i afterwhile Duckwater Harbin 1988
abisha'i Goodbye Graham 2008
abishai later Duckwater Harbin 1988
abishai Later Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
abishai Preceeding Graham 2008
aboo Supplicate Graham 2008
abuse At that time back then Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
acai-kammah to taste bitter Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
acai-sua" to be sad Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
acai-ttyn nanah to be bad, to be naughty Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
acai"- bad, dangerous Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
acain-kwana" to smell bad Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ad-zeb'-bah flicker (Colaptes) Shoshone of Idaho (Fort Hall) Merriam 1979
ada Nephew Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ada Brother (mother's) Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ada' mother's brother, male cousin, sister's son/daughter [male speech] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
ada' Uncle mother's side Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ada'(-a) mother’s brother (uncle), male cousin, sister’s son Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
ada'i Sore Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
adabu' Mother's brother Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
adabu' Uncle mother's side Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
adabu' Uncle mother's side Graham 2008
adabu' Brother (mother's) Graham 2008
adabuichi Father of husband Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
adafanti Elephant Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
adah uncle Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
adaizi'i Sister's son Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
adamu About that Graham 2008
adamu Automobile Graham 2008
adangunzi Red ant Graham 2008
adanguzii Ant small Graham 2008
adanreh uncles Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
adapane elephant Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
adauchi Father of wife Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
adda niece Duckwater Harbin 1988
addaa ouch Duckwater Harbin 1988
addabu uncle, mother's side Duckwater Harbin 1988
addamu vehicle Duckwater Harbin 1988
addanguci ant, red Duckwater Harbin 1988
addanguci red ant Duckwater Harbin 1988
addiopi moldy Duckwater Harbin 1988
addɨ nephew Duckwater Harbin 1988
addɨfant elephant Duckwater Harbin 1988
addɨmu automobile Duckwater Harbin 1988
addɨmu car Duckwater Harbin 1988
ade Tea Indian Graham 2008
ade That yonder Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ade'uka that's because ... [sing] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
ade'uka that’s because Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
adee Those yonder Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
adee' they, those (over there) [pl subject case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
adee' they, those (over there) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
adee'uka that's because ... [pl] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
adee'uka that’s because Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
adeeN their (over there) [pl, possessive case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
adeeN their (over there) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
adeheN their (over there) [dual, possessive case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
adeheN their (over there) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
adehi them, those (over there) [dual, object case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
adehi them, those (over there) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
adehwe they, those (over there) [dual, subject case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
adehwe they, those (over there) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
adehwe sudehwe(di) Those two yonder Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
adekwai That because Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
adeN that (over there) [sing, subject case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
adeN that (over there) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
adiii Their Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
adku Elko Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
adoipe moldy, corroded Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
ads bow Ute? Huntington 1872
adukwaudukwa sudukwa Under that Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ae'aengabitehwe red [dual] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aebehibite blue Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aedee' they, these (not close enough to touch [pl, subject case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aedeeN their (not close enough to touch) [pl, possessive case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aedeheN their (not close enough to touch) [dual, possessive case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aedehi they; these (not close enough to touch) [dual, object case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aedehwe these (not close enough to touch) [dual subject case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aedei' they, these (not close enough to touch) [pl, object case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aedeN this (not close enough to touch) [sing, subject case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aeka this (not close enough to touch) [sing, object case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aekaN this (not close enough touch) [sing, possessive case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aeki here (not close enough to touch) [adv of place] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aekwehibite purple Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aenga- red (pref) Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aenga'aebi' pink Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aengabite red Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aesheN this (not close enough to touch) (contrastive) [sing, subject case) Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aesheN thank you Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aeshimbite grey Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
agai salmon Duckwater Harbin 1988
agai Salmon Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
agai' salmon Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
agai' salmon Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
agɨ sunflower see Duckwater Harbin 1988
agwa sodihi Burp Graham 2008
agwadopɨ steam Duckwater Harbin 1988
agwatehi Burp Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ah armpit Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
ah-bat great Ute? Huntington 1872
ah-bat large Ute? Huntington 1872
ah-be-quy lay down Ute? Huntington 1872
ah-ger-um new Ute? Huntington 1872
ah-kŭ' wild sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Shoshone of Idaho (Fort Hall) Merriam 1979
ah-kuh Helianthella uniflora INSTRV Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
ah-kuh general term for sunflower group, especially having those edible seed Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
ah-kuh general term for sunflower group, especially having those edible seed Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
ah-kuh Helianthella uniflora Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
ah-kuk Balsamorhiza sagittata Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
ah-kuk Helianthella uniflora Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
ah-kuk Balsamorhiza sagittata Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
ah-kuk Helianthella uniflora Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
ah-ne' ant Shoshone of Idaho (Fort Hall) Merriam 1979
ah-tung'-ge grasshopper Panamint Merriam 1979
ah-wah'-go sucker fish Shoshone of Idaho (Fort Hall) Merriam 1979
ah-wah'-poi scaly lizard (sceloporus) Panamint Merriam 1979
ah-we dig Shoshone Huntington 1872
ah-zah-div-o-wip Crepis acuminata Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
ah-zah-div-o-wip Crepis scopulorum Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
ah-zah-div-o-wip Crepis acuminata Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
ah-zah-div-o-wip Crepis scopulorum Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
Ah'-gi' salmon Ruby Valley, Nevada Merriam 1979
ah'-gi' salmon Shoshone of Idaho (Fort Hall) Merriam 1979
ah'-mah-so'-ans spider Ruby Valley, Nevada Merriam 1979
ah'-mis toad (Bufo) Shoshone of Idaho (Fort Hall) Merriam 1979
ah'-ne beaver (castor) Ruby Valley, Nevada Merriam 1979
ah'-ne ant Ruby Valley, Nevada Merriam 1979
ah'-ne-moi fly Ruby Valley, Nevada Merriam 1979
ah'-se-wer-run' butterfly Panamint Merriam 1979
ah'-ting grasshopper Ruby Valley, Nevada Merriam 1979
ah'-tunq-qe grasshopper Southern Nevada Merriam 1979
aha armpit Duckwater Harbin 1988
aha ~ naha armpit n Panamint Dayley 1989
aha'a dukwa Armpit Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ahaa uh-huh interj Panamint Dayley 1989
ahadukwa Underarm Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ahdafe jaw Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
ahddako chin Duckwater Harbin 1988
ahddako jaw Duckwater Harbin 1988
ahe-pin gnat Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ahma armpit Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ahma-wy-kkynah vest Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ahn-dah-gah nut-tah-zoom dyssodia thurberi Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
ahn-dah-gah nut-tah-zoom dyssodia thurberi Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
ahn-ga-see-ga wee-ub Eriogonum microthecum Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
ahn-ga-see-ga wee-ub Eriogonum microthecum Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
ahn-zav'-vit-tah flicker (Colaptes) shoshone of Central Nevada Merriam 1979
ahna armpit-SUBJ N Miller
ahna-i armpit-OBJ N Miller
ahnatukka underarm N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ahnatukka armpit N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ahnatukka underarm, armpit N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ahng-ē'-ve mosquito Southern Nevada Merriam 1979
ahp now Ute? Huntington 1872
ahta-hpy jaw Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ahta-kkoon taman molar teeth Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ahta-kkoon-taman molar tooth Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ahtaa ~ ataa cavity in tooth n Panamint Dayley 1989
ahtahpe jaw-SUBJ N Miller
ahtahpe-a jaw-OBJ N Miller
ahtahpeh jaw N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ahtahpeh-a jaw-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ahtakkoon molar N Miller
ahtakkoon wisdom tooth N Miller
ahtako'o Jaw Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ahtapü ~ atapü jaw n Panamint Dayley 1989
ahwai miss (a shot or target) TV.PL WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ahwai dig V Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ahwai miss (a shot in hunting), miss (a shot or target), miss aim; dig TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ahwi dig V Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ahwi miss (a shot in hunting), miss (a shot or target), miss aim; dig TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ai kind of white, chalky clay-SUBJ N Miller
ai̲- this here nearby Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲- this here nearby DEM/LOC BASE Crum&Dayley2
ai-pi-tta kind of white, chalky clay-OBJ N Miller
ai-pin white chalky clay Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ai-pin-a kind of white, chalky clay-OBJ N Miller
a̲i̲-tta gun-OBJ N Miller
ai'-bi-baip Club-rush; Bulrush. Carex hookeriana Dew. Sedge. Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
ai'-go-po-gûmp Currant. Ribes leptanthum Gray, var. brachyanthum. Currant Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
ai'-go-û-pi Piñon Pine Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
ai'-gwa-bi Cactus Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
ai'-gwa-bo-gûp (-gop) Thistle Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
ai'-tcĭb Sumac Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
ai'-wa-bo-gûp (-gop) Thistle Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
ai'aingabitehwe(-tehi) red Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
AI'ana this place DEM/LOC WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
AI'ana here somewhere nearby DEM/LOC WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ai̲'ana this place; here somewhere nearby Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ai'ana Here somewhere nearby Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ai'ba-pa Ibapah Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
ai'ba-pa a man's name Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
Ai'bĭ-tci Payson, Utah County Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
Ai'bĭ-to-o-gû-pi Pole Canyon, Tooele Co. (Deep Creek Region) Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
ai'bi'i Clay white Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
Ai'bĭm-pa Deep Creek, Tooele Co. Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
Ai'bĭm-pa-ku-na-gûnt Garfield, Tooele Co. Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
ai'ci-wap an old man Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
ai'go tongue Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ai'go bi shi a epiglottis Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ai'go yĕm bĭt tonsil, pharyngeal Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ai'go-re-a an old man recently deceased, he was also known as mu'nai Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
ai'gwan du a palate, soft; uvula Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ai'hue' Pine hook (nut) Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
AI'meattsi retarded person, simple-minded person N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ai̲'meattsi retarded person, simple-minded person N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
AI'meattsi-a retarded person, simple-minded person-OBJ N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ai'pûb a boy's name Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
ai'wa fawn, young of deer Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ai'wa dzip spermophile, thirteen-lined Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ai'wi dove, mourning Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ai'wi mourning dove Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
aibehibite (-biti) blue Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aibi Chalk Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aibi Hereabouts Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aibi Here and somewhere Graham 2008
aibi Near here somewhere Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
Aibibaa Newe Goshute Indian Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aibii aibii White chalky clay Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aibu' Over this way Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aibu' This way Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aibui Destroy Graham 2008
aibuibithe' Whitish gray Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aibupu' ainipi This way right here Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aide These Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aidee saidee These near here Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aidee' they, these (not close enough to touch) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aideeN their (not close enough to touch) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aideheN their (not close enough to touch) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aidehi they; these (not close enough to touch) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aidehwe these (not close enough to touch) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aidehwe These two Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aidei' they, these (not close enough to touch) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aideN this (not close enough to touch) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aidi gun Duckwater Harbin 1988
aidihe gun, rifle Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
aidizatohdaxu release trigger Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
aidukwa Under this Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aigwa Tongue Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aih-kwytti-kkihi", oih-kwytti-kkihi" to belch, to hiccough Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ai̲hko(n) pinecone hook N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
AIhko+n pine cone hook N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aihkon pine cone hook Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
a̲i̲hkon pine-cone hook N Miller
a̲i̲hkon-a pine-cone hook-OBJ N Miller
AIhkon-na pine cone hook.OBJ N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aihnun ~ ehnun handle of a pine cone hook n Panamint Dayley 1989
aihse Is Graham 2008
ai̲itte(n) this (special) kind nearby Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲i̲tte+n this (special) kind nearby.SUBJ DEM Crum&Dayley2
ai̲itti this (special) kind nearby Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲i̲tti this (special) kind nearby.OBJ DEM Crum&Dayley2
aika this (not close enough to touch) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aikaN this (not close enough to touch) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aikasi Axe Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aiki here (not close enough to touch) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aiki Here Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aikidi'i Here it is Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aikini Near here Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
AIkka this.OBJ DEM WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
AIkka this near here.OBJ DEM WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ai̲kka this Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ai̲kka this near here Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲kka this.POSS DEM Crum&Dayley2
a̲i̲kka this near here.POSS DEM Crum&Dayley2
aikka- frost N Crum&Dayley2
ai̲kka(n) this Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ai̲kka(n) this near here Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
AIkkan this.POSS DEM WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
AIkkan this near here.POSS DEM WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aikkapo'antuah become covered with frost IV Crum&Dayley2
aikkapo'antuah become covered with frost IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aikkappeh frost N Crum&Dayley2
aikkappeh frost N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aikkappeh-a frost-OBJ N Crum&Dayley2
aikkawekkatuah pile up with frost IV Crum&Dayley2
aikkawekkatuah pile up with frost IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aikkih here, near here LOC Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ai̲kkih here, near here Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲kkih here, near here LOC Crum&Dayley2
aikkiwin- purple, smokey colored ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aikkwi smoky color ADJ Miller
aikkwimpihte(n) purple, smoky colored ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aikkwimpihte+n purple, smokey colored ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aiko thorn N Miller
aiko prickly pear cactus-SUBJ N Miller
aiko waappi-tta pinyon pine-OBJ N Miller
aiko waappin pinyon pine-SUBJ N Miller
aiko-pi-tta thorn-OBJ N Miller
aiko-pi-tta prickly pear cactus-OBJ N Miller
ai̲ko(n) tongue N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
AIko+n tongue N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aikobi Cactus Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
a̲i̲kon tongue N Miller
a̲i̲kon-a tongue-OBJ N Miller
AIkon-na tongue-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aikon, ekon tongue Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aikontah, ekontah to stick out the tongue Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aikopi(n) thorn, cactus; quill N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aikopi+n thorn, cactus N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aikopi+n quill N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aikopin-tta thorn, cactus-OBJ N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aikopin-tta quill-OBJ N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aikoto'oweneh (for steam to) rise, steam IV Crum&Dayley2
aikoto'owenehpuite+n steam N Crum&Dayley2
aikoto'owenehte+n steam N Crum&Dayley2
aikotoo-ppyh steam Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aikotooweneh (for steam to) rise, steam IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aikotooweneh(pui)te(n) steam N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aiku tongue Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
aikungwitsai stick out tongue Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
aikupi(ttsi) ~ ekupi(ttsi) thorn, sticker, cactus, porcupine n Panamint Dayley 1989
a̲i̲kusoappeh steam N Miller
a̲i̲kutoo-wenne to be steamy V Miller
aikwaci spoon Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aikwatyi" to belch Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aikwehibite (aikwehibiti) purple Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aikwimpithe' Purple Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aikwisi Sneeze Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aikwisih to sneeze Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ai̲ma(n) with this (instrument) Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲ma+n with this (instrument) DEM-P Crum&Dayley2
aimea drunk Duckwater Harbin 1988
AImeah be disoriented IV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ai̲meah be disoriented; get drunk IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲meah get drunk IV Crum&Dayley2
a̲i̲meahka be drunk IV Crum&Dayley2
ai̲meahka(n) be drunk IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲meahkan be drunk IV Crum&Dayley2
aimeappeh drunkard Duckwater Harbin 1988
ai̲meattsi retarded person, simple-minded person N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲meattsi retarded person, simple-minded person N Crum&Dayley2
a̲i̲meattsi-a retarded person, simple-minded person-OBJ N Crum&Dayley2
ainga- red (pref) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
ainga-dasiwinjih Ant red Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ainga'aibi' (-ti/-ta) pink Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aingabihte' Red Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aingabite (aingabiti) red Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aingadasiwinji Red ant Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aingagaihte' Red Graham 2008
aingakwitsaykite lightning Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
aingaonrafi red pepper Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
aingaqanrigwitsih flying ant Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
aingasaiki Pink Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aingato'o Indian paintbrush Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aingavite red Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
aingaweaq radish Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
aingaziinaq red potato Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
aingiwi Housefly Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aini Like this nearby Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
a̲i̲nka red ADJ Miller
ainka kuneaippeh dogwood N Miller
ainka kwittiana dogwood N Miller
ainka kwittsaiH to lightning V Miller
ainka kwittsaiH to flash V Miller
ainka mutsi diamonds (of cards) N Miller
ainka- red Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
AInka"- red ADJ Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ainkapi-ppono, enkapi-pponoa-cci" raddish Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ai̲nkapihte(n) red ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
AInkapihte+n red ADJ Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
AInkappata orange-red currant in mountains N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ai̲nkappata orangish red currants in mountains N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
AInkappata-'a orange-red currant in mountains-OBJ N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
AInkappawia dock plant (Rumex crispus) N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ai̲nkappawia dock plant N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
AInkappawia-'a dock plant (Rumex crispus)-OBJ N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ainkon-tuah to roll over Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ainna(ttsi) ~ enna(ttsi) turtle, tortoise n Panamint Dayley 1989
AInni this way, like this nearby DEM/ADV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
̲ai̲nni this way, like this nearby Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ainwafah beer, wine Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
ainwambe foolish, crazy Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
ainwaxande drunk Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
AIpAI near here somewhere DEM/LOC WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ai̲pai̲ near here somewhere Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
AIpAIka this amount, this much DEM/P WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aipaika(nten) this amount, this much Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ai̲pai̲ka(nten) this amount, this much Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲pa̲i̲kanten this amount, this much DEM/P Crum&Dayley2
AIpi near here somewhere, hereabouts DEM/LOC WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ai̲pi near here somewhere, hereabouts Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aipi-tta white chalky clay, chalk-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aipi(n) white chalky clay, chalk N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aipi+n white chalky clay, chalk N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
a̲i̲pika this amount, this much DEM/P Crum&Dayley2
aipika(nten) this amount, this much Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
AIpikan this much ADV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
AIpikanten this much ADV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
a̲i̲pikanten this amount, this much DEM/P Crum&Dayley2
aipimpi(ppüh) ~ epimpi(ppüh) white paint n Panamint Dayley 1989
aipin ~ epin chalk, gypsum n Panamint Dayley 1989
aipitgaithe' Whitish Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aipo'inziapeh Moldy Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ai̲ppo'intsiappeh mildew, moldy N, ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲ppo'intsiappeh mildew N Crum&Dayley2
a̲i̲ppo'intsiappeh moldy ADJ Crum&Dayley2
a̲i̲pu over this way nearby DEM/LOC Crum&Dayley2
ai̲pu(n) over this way, nearby Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
AIpuhni over this way nearby LOC Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ai̲puhni over this way, nearby Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aipui"- whitish gray, bluish white ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aipuipihte(n) whitish gray, bluish white ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aipuipihte+n whitish gray, bluish white ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
AIpun over this way nearby DEM/LOC Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
a̲i̲se this (is the one) DEM Crum&Dayley2
A̲i̲se! Thank you. phrase Crum&Dayley2
ai̲se! (ai̲se!) Thank you Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
A̲i̲se! A̲i̲se! Thank you. phrase Crum&Dayley2
ai̲se(n) this (is the one) Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
Aisem ma'i tsa'i This is good.=Thank you. Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ai̲sem ma'i tsa'i This is good = Thank you. Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲sem ma'i tsa'i This is good. = Thank you. phrase Crum&Dayley2
aisemmunih silver money N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aisemmunih silver money N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aisemmunih-a silver money-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aisempihte(n) silverish, gray ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aisempihte+n gray, silverish ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
AIsen this (is the one) DEM WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aisen gray ADJ Miller
aisen- gray, silverish ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aishe Thanks Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aisheN this (not close enough to touch) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aishimbite (aishimbiti) grey Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
aisi, esi grey Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aisibihte' Grey Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aisin- grey Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aisyn thanks, enough Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aite Gun Graham 2008
aite Gun Graham 2008
ai̲te gun, bow N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲te this.SUBJ DEM Crum&Dayley2
a̲i̲te this near here.SUBJ DEM Crum&Dayley2
a̲i̲te gun N Non-Gosiute dialects Miller
aite Gun Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ai̲te(n) this Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ai̲te(n) this near here Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲tee these near here.SUBJ DEM Crum&Dayley2
ai̲tee(n) these near here Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲tee+n these near here.POSS DEM Crum&Dayley2
AIteen these near here.SUBJ DEM Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ai̲tehe(n) these two Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ai̲tehi these two Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
AIten this.SUBJ DEM WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
AIten this near here.SUBJ DEM WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ai̲teweh these two Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aiti gun, bow N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aiti bow and arrow, gun Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aiti gun, bow N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲ti gun-SUBJ N Miller
aiti kuttih shoot at TV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aiti kuttih shoot at TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aiti na-mokoccih holster Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aiti-ma ma-kwyttih to shoot it with a gun Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aiti-ø gun, bow-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ai̲tii these near here Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲tii these near here.OBJ DEM Crum&Dayley2
aitiki(n) aim, take aim; use a bow V Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aitikko bow and arrow, gun Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aitikko-tammu-ppin bowstring Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aitikko-tammu"-pin bowstring Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
a̲i̲tsikko sling shot-SUBJ N Miller
a̲i̲tsikko-a sling shot-OBJ N Miller
a̲i̲tsikko-i sling shot-OBJ N Miller
aitte(n) that (special) kind Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aitti that (special) kind Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲ttu over this way nearby DEM/LOC Crum&Dayley2
ai̲ttu(n) over this way nearby Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
AIttun over this way nearby DEM/LOC WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
aittün that kind dem new Panamint Dayley 1989
aiwa With (instrument) Graham 2008
a̲i̲wa fawn-SUBJ N Miller
a̲i̲wa-i fawn-OBJ N Miller
AIwa'ih like this right here ADV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ai̲wa'ih like this ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲wampia doe N Miller
a̲i̲wattsi fawn N Miller
aiwe'a Drunk (from alcohol) Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aiwe'apeh Drunkard Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aiwea Get drunk Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aiweahka Be drunk Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aiweakhande Intoxicated Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aiweape Alcoholic Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ai̲yoo rhythmical song word Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
a̲i̲yoo rhythmical song word Crum&Dayley2
aka sunflower Duckwater Harbin 1988
aka that (over there) [sing, object case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aka Sunflower Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aka Sunflower, plant Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aka that (over there) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
akabaihi Sunflower, seed Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
akai salmon N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
akai trout (especially large cutthroat as in Walker Lake) n Panamint Dayley 1989
akai fish Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
akai salmon N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aka̅i̅ salmon N Northern dialect Miller
aka̅i̅ fish N Gosiute Miller
Akai Tekka'a Salmon Eaters (Shoshoni on Snake River) N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
Akai Tekka'a Salmon Eaters (Shoshoni on Snake River) N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
Akai Tekka'a-a Salmon Eaters (Shoshoni on Snake River) N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
Akai Tükka'a Walker River Paiute n Panamint Dayley 1989
akai-huu"-pin fishing pole Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
akai-hya-nnympyh fishing pole, fishing tackle Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
akaiti tempin whitish or grayish rocks N Miller
akaN that (over there) [sing, possessive case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
akaN that (over there) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
akapai Sunflower, plant Graham 2008
ake" open up (of pine cones) IV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ake" open up (of pinecones) IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
akeG to open up (of a pine cone when nuts are ripe) V Miller
akɨmbɨ sunflower see Duckwater Harbin 1988
akka that yonder.OBJ DEM Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
akka that (one); him, her obj Dem new Panamint Dayley 1989
akka that, yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
akka that yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
akka(n) that, yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
akkan that yonder.POSS DEM Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
akke(n) sunflower N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
akke+n sunflower N Crum&Dayley2
akken sunflower seeds N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1
akken sunflower seeds (Helianthus)-SUBJ N Miller
akken-a sunflower seeds (Helianthus)-OBJ N Miller
akken-na sunflower-OBJ N Crum&Dayley2
akkü sunflower n Panamint Dayley 1989
akkuh there yonder LOC WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
akkuh there loc new Panamint Dayley 1989
akkuh there, yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
akküttsi sunflower seeds n Panamint Dayley 1989
akkwihsiG to sneeze V Miller
akoaih bear N Miller
aku over there [adv of place] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aku over there Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
akwate'i" burp IV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
akwate'i" burp IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
akwate'ikki burp.DUR IV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
akwate'ikki burp (dur) IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
akwisi" sneeze IV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
akwisi" sneeze IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
am pehettsi its seed Panamint Dayley 1989
am pisittsi its leaf Panamint Dayley 1989
am po'an its covering Panamint Dayley 1989
am'-mah-wah catfish or bullhead Shoshone of Idaho (Fort Hall) Merriam 1979
am'bo a woman Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
Am'bu-i an old woman Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
ama waist, rib cage-SUBJ N Miller
ama-i waist, rib cage-OBJ N Miller
ama'ai with that (person) DEM-P Crum&Dayley2
ama'ai with that (person) Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ama(n) with that Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ama+n with that DEM-P Crum&Dayley2
amattampeh rib N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
amattampeh ribs-SUBJ N Miller
amattampeh rib N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
amattampeh-a rib-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
amattampeh-a ribs-OBJ N Miller
amattampü rib n Panamint Dayley 1989
ambai Legless Graham 2008
Amputih Hombre NAME Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
Amputih Hombre (name) NAME Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
amu onion, wild Duckwater Harbin 1988
amu wild onion Duckwater Harbin 1988
amu Onion, wild Graham 2008
amu Onion, wild Graham 2008
amuc onion, wild Duckwater Harbin 1988
amuci wild onion Duckwater Harbin 1988
amuka Make house Graham 2008
an ~ am ~ ang its, his, her prn poss Panamint Dayley 1989
an nottsoappüh its nest Panamint Dayley 1989
an-dzûp' Watson Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
an-karr red Ute? Huntington 1872
an-ke-bit red Shoshone Huntington 1872
an-ke-pom-py red hair Shoshone Huntington 1872
an-ke-wan-up red blanket Shoshone Huntington 1872
an-ker-ker-oak painting Ute? Huntington 1872
an-ker-tah red shirt Ute? Huntington 1872
an-na-ne-ah what is your name Ute? Huntington 1872
an-nă'-ke wren (Troglodytes) Southern Nevada Merriam 1979
an-nah turtle Panamint Merriam 1979
an-neap corn Shoshone Huntington 1872
an-not'-se turtle Southern Nevada Merriam 1979
an'-dă-vitch purple finch (Carpodacus) Goshiute Merriam 1979
añ'-go-bi Douglas Spruce Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
añ'-go-gwa-nûp Juniperis communis Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
añ'-go-ma-tai-yu Reed bent grass Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
añ'-go-ma-tsai-yu Reed Bent Grass. Poa pratensis L. Meadow or Blue Grass Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
añ'-go-mu-tsa-wai-ni Deschampsia caespitosa Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
añ'-gû-pi; añ-gûp Buffalo berry Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
añ'-gût-a-gûp Buffalo berry Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-ka-koi-nûmp Kinnickinnik Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-ka-kwa-tci-ûp barley grass Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-ka-kwi-nûp Kinnikinnick Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-ka-mo-do-nûp Buffalo-berry Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-ka-pa-bu-ip Polygonum erectum L. Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-ka-pa-dja-rûmp Dock; Sorrel Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-ka-pa-ri-ûmp Strawberry Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-ka-po-gomp Buffalo berry Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-ka-pu-i Polygonum erectus L. Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-ka-si-yu-na Mountain Sorrel Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-ka-ti-wi-a Sumac Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-ka-ti-wi-ûmp Sumac Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-ka-tso-nap Gromwell Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-ka-tso-ni-baip Gromwell Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-ka-wa-dzûmp Nutt Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
äñ'-kai-yûmp Sumac Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
an'-nă-sunt spider Goshiute Merriam 1979
an'-nah-woi' fly Southern Nevada Merriam 1979
an'-ning-gwitch'-oo ant Goshiute Merriam 1979
an'-sah-vah'-nah flicker (Colaptes) Panamint Merriam 1979
an'da witc sparrow, yellow-winged Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
An'da-pa Burrit Spring, Skull Valley, Tooele Co. Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
an'di wi a neck, lower lateral region of Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
an'ga so gŭnts phalangid, harvestman (general term) Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
añ'gĭp a woman Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
añ'go go ha grouse, pine Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
añ'go sai wi sternum Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
añ'go sau marten Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
añ'go sau wa marten Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
añ'go wa tsi rrĭ gi squirrel, brown pine Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
Añ'go-bai-gwĭc Muddy Creek, Deep Creek District, Tooele Co. Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
Añ'go-ga-ri Portion of Stansbury Range of Mountains, Tooele Co. Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
añ'gots a man, known to the whites as Charley. Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
añ'i ta fly-catcher, yellow-bellied striped Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ăñ'ka gi ŭp wattles, of fowl Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ăñ'ka go si ŭp comb Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ăñ'ka hui tcu tanager, Cooper’s or Western summer red-bird Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ăñ'ka pam'pi bu i duck, red-head Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ăñ'ka so ko bu i duck, teal, blue-winged Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ăñ'ka tĭ sa bu i duck, teal, blue-winged Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
äñ'ka-bi-pi-dûp a woman Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
äñ'ka-bĭ-tĭm-ba Hot Sulphur Springs. Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
äñ'ka-ho-nûp Echo Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
äñ'ka-pĭ-tci Hot Sulphur Springs. Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
äñ'ka-rau-ga a woman Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
äñ'ka-so-kûup Parley's Canyon, Salt Lake Co. Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
äñ'ka-ti-ban-o-gwû-pi Thoms Creek, Deep Creek District, Tooele Co Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
äñ'ka-wi-a Dugway, Tooele Co. Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
äñ'ko-gwa, äñk'o-ga Evanston, Wyoming Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
an'tsi a boy Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
ana here or there somewhere P Crum&Dayley2
ana top of (hill, mountain) N Crum&Dayley2
ana here or there somewhere P Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ana top of (hill, mountain) N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ana-moih, ana-muih, anka-mih fly (insect) Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
anappi summit, mountain top, high sierra n Panamint Dayley 1989
anawiii Housefly Graham 2008
anawiii Housefly Graham 2008
anda'pune' Different Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
anda'tsapu Easily Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
andabich stranger Duckwater Harbin 1988
andabichi Bannock Duckwater Harbin 1988
andabichi Stranger Graham 2008
andabichi Stranger Graham 2008
andabichi Foreign Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
andabichi Foreigner Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
andagaded wobbly, shaky Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
andanagu Out of place Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
andanagu Wrong way Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
andanewe Stranger Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
andapu Away from Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
andapue Remove Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
andapuN differently [adv] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
andapuN differently Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
andapunde Wrong way Graham 2008
andapunde Wrong way Graham 2008
andapundese Differently Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
andapunduni Foreign Graham 2008
andapunduni Foreign Graham 2008
andapunuyunde Be different Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
andawa Away Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
andɨp'pɨmiagu go away Duckwater Harbin 1988
andɨpɨ away Duckwater Harbin 1988
andɨpɨsɨ different Duckwater Harbin 1988
andɨpɨsɨ wrong Duckwater Harbin 1988
andra-vitch-gwanna Hypericum scouleri Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
andra-vitch-gwanna Hypericum scouleri Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
ang kahni its house Panamint Dayley 1989
ang'-ah-pum-be redhead (Aythya americana) Goshiute Merriam 1979
anga-go-ahp Enceliopsis nudicaulis Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
anga-go-ahp Enceliopsis nudicaulis Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
anga-kah-sah-rumba Eriogonum microthecum Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
anga-kah-sah-rumba Eriogonum microthecum Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
anga-quee-ah-wee-tumb Castilleja linariaefolia Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
anga-quee-ah-wee-tumb Castilleja linariaefolia Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
angipi ~ angimmuih fly n Panamint Dayley 1989
Angitsuku Flyman name Panamint Dayley 1989
angiwi Fly house type Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
angkapi(tün) red adj Panamint Dayley 1989
angkatokowa red racer snake n Panamint Dayley 1989
ani Like that yonder Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ani-tta ant (red or black)-OBJ N Miller
ani-tta ant (generic term)-OBJ N Miller
anihu fall over Duckwater Harbin 1988
anihu Fall over Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
anii beaver-SUBJ N Miller
anii That way yonder Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
anii-a beaver-OBJ N Miller
animui woapi-tta maggot-OBJ N Miller
animui woapin maggot-SUBJ N Miller
animuih fly-SUBJ N Miller
animuih-a fly-OBJ N Miller
anin ant (red or black)-SUBJ N Miller
anin ant (generic term)-SUBJ N Miller
anin ant Goshiute Merriam 1979
anin black ant Goshiute Merriam 1979
aniwi fly (noun) Duckwater Harbin 1988
aniwi housefly Duckwater Harbin 1988
aniwi Fly house type Graham 2008
aniwi Fly house type Graham 2008
anka-muih, ana-muih fly (insect) Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
anna"- together, each other recip pl Panamint Dayley 1989
annakkapan all together adv Panamint Dayley 1989
annakki chickadee n Panamint Dayley 1989
annamma yuniih put together Panamint Dayley 1989
annamman together adv Panamint Dayley 1989
annammannai together in back of adv Panamint Dayley 1989
annappakangku equally, in equal parts adv Panamint Dayley 1989
annappan on top of each other adv Panamint Dayley 1989
annappitüngkün fight pl recip v Panamint Dayley 1989
anni that way ADV/DEM Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
anni like that over there ADV/DEM Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
anni that way, like that adv Panamint Dayley 1989
anni that way, like that over there Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
anni' Ant, black and red Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
annih fall down.SG IV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
anniH to fall over.SG.SUBJ V Miller
annih fall over or down vi & v instr Panamint Dayley 1989
annih to fall Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
annih fall down IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
anniiteH to fall over.PL.SUBJ V Miller
annin ant (sp., red with black abdomen) Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
annita(n) black ant (song word for a'ni(n)) N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
annita+n black ant N Crum&Dayley2
annitain crash, fall down vi Panamint Dayley 1989
annitan-na black ant-OBJ N Crum&Dayley2
anoh Cree Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
anrigwitsanganrhi anthill Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
anringwitsih ant Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
anta different ADJ Miller
anta foreign, strange, different Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
Anta Katete(n) Sitting Alone' = Lone Mountain Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
Anta Katete+n Sitting Along = Lone Mountain Toponym Crum&Dayley2
anta-na-koi" to get revenge Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
anta-piccyh enemy, foreigner, stranger Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
anta-ppiccih enemy, foreigner, stranger, outcast Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
anta" different ADJ Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
anta" strange ADJ Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
anta" separate ADJ Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
anta" easy ADJ Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
anta" easily ADJ Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
anta" different, strange ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
anta" different, strange, separate; easy; easily ADJ, ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
antah different ADJ Miller
antai different ADJ Miller
antakai have diarrhea, the shits vi Panamint Dayley 1989
antakku separately ADV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antakku separately ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
antananku separately ADV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antananku separately, different(ly); out of place, wrong way ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
antannewe stranger; name (woman's) N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
antannewe woman's name NAME Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
antapittseh stranger, foreigner N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antapittseh strange, foreign ADJ Crum&Dayley2
Antapittseh Name (man's) N Crum&Dayley2
antapittseh stranger, enemy-SUBJ N Miller
antapittseh stranger, foreigner; strange, foreign N,ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
antapittseh kwana yellow monkey flower N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antapittseh kwana yellow monkey flower (Mimulus guttatus) N Miller
antapittseh kwana monkey flower (medicinal plant) N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
antapittseh kwana-'a yellow monkey flower-OBJ N Crum&Dayley2
antapittseh kwana-a yellow monkey flower-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antapittseh-a stranger, foreigner-OBJ N Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antapittseh-a strange, foreign-OBJ ADJ Crum&Dayley2
antapittseh-a stranger, enemy-OBJ N Miller
antappu else, askew, wrong way, wrong side, strange, weird, out of kilter, away from presupposed point of reference adv Panamint Dayley 1989
antappu hapikommi lean back and forth sideways Panamint Dayley 1989
antappu mi'a go the wrong way Panamint Dayley 1989
antappu mi'akommi walk/go sideways Panamint Dayley 1989
antappu mi'amia change directions Panamint Dayley 1989
antappu naakwa change directions Panamint Dayley 1989
antappu(n) different(ly), else; elsewhere, away from ADV, P Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
antappu(n) different, strange ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
antappu+n differently, else ADV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antappu+n elsewhere ADV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antappu+n away from P Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antappu+n different, strange ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antappunt-i different, strange ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antappunte(n) different, strange ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
antappunte+n different, strange ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antappuse(n) different(ly), else; elsewhere, away from ADV, P Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
antappuse+n differently, else ADV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antappuse+n elsewhere ADV Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antappuse+n away from P Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antappuyu(n) be different or strange IV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
antappuyu+n be different or strange IV Crum&Dayley2
antase(n) away; just ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
antase+n away ADV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antase+n just ADV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
antsaapana(ppüh) flicker n Panamint Dayley 1989
antsi search, look for TV Crum&Dayley2
antsi gray ADJ Miller
antsi search, look for TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
antywoi-ppici" to suck out disease object (in curing ceremony) Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
antywoi-ppicih to suck out a disease object Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
antywoi", tywoi" disease object, “pain” Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ap antenna (as of locust) Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ap father Shoshone Huntington 1872
ap-poo-na trot Ute? Huntington 1872
ap-poo-yah canter Ute? Huntington 1872
ap'-per-roo'-ge butterfly Southern Nevada Merriam 1979
apa father Duckwater Harbin 1988
apa-i- around there yonder DEM/LOC Crum&Dayley2
apa-i- back then DEM/LOC Crum&Dayley2
apa'an ~ apan there loc Panamint Dayley 1989
apai around there yonder LOC WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
apai̲ around there yonder; back then Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
apa̲i̲ mannaise since way back in time, from back then until now ADV Crum&Dayley2
apa̲i̲ mannaisen since way back in time, from back then until now ADV Crum&Dayley2
apa̲i̲ mannise since way back in time, from back then until now ADV Crum&Dayley2
apa̲i̲ mannisen since way back in time, from back then until now ADV Crum&Dayley2
apAIka that much, that amount (yonder) DEM Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
apaika(nten) that much, that amount (yonder) Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
apa̲i̲kanten that much, that amount (yonder) DEM Crum&Dayley2
apaimannisen since way back in time ADV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
apaise+n long ago, that time long ago, back then DEM/ADV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
apako' Ball Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ape Father Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ape wai bii Father and mother Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ape' father Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
ape' Father Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ape'(-a) father Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
ape" there abouts, there somewhere loc Panamint Dayley 1989
apeh father Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
apeisa̅i̅ after while TEMP Miller
apeq God Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
apettun through or towards there loc Panamint Dayley 1989
api around there yonder, thereabouts DEM-LOC WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
apika that much, that amount (yonder) DEM Crum&Dayley2
apika(nten) that much, that amount (yonder) Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
apikan that much, that amount ADV Crum&Dayley1
apikan that amount, that much DEM WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
apikankan that amount, that much DEM WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
apikanten that much, that amount ADV Crum&Dayley1
apikanten that much, that amount (yonder) DEM Crum&Dayley2
apɨ father Duckwater Harbin 1988
apoko ball Duckwater Harbin 1988
apoq apple Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
appakkoh baseball Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
appakkoi" to play baseball Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
appakoh-a" nui" to play baseball Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
appe father N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
appe sun (ritually) N Crum&Dayley2
appe father-SUBJ N Miller
appe father, sun (ritually) N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
appe ma'ai pii father and mother, parents phrase Crum&Dayley2
appe ma'ai pii father and mother, parents Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
appe-'a father-OBJ N Crum&Dayley2
appe-'a sun (ritually)-OBJ N Crum&Dayley2
appe-a father-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
appe-a father-OBJ N Miller
appimpotosi somersault vi Panamint Dayley 1989
appingkoyo'ih be bald-headed vi Panamint Dayley 1989
appingkoyo'ittü bald-headed person n Panamint Dayley 1989
appo huu"-pin apple tree Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
appo'o(ttsi) cup, bowl, dishes; Big Dipper n Panamint Dayley 1989
appo(n) apple N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
appo+n apple N Crum&Dayley2
appon apple Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
appon-na apple-OBJ N Crum&Dayley2
apposih apple n Panamint Dayley 1989
apposiham paawa apple juice Panamint Dayley 1989
appü father, dad n Panamint Dayley 1989
appüa samoppü aunt (FaSi reference only) n Panamint Dayley 1989
appy father Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
apu(n) over that way yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
apu+n over that way yonder DEM-LOC WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
apuhni over that way yonder DEM-LOC WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
apuhni over that way yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
apunte(n) over that way yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
apuse(n) at that time back then ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
apuse+n at that time back then ADV Crum&Dayley2
ar'-ră'ge chipping sparrow (Spizella) Southern Nevada Merriam 1979
asaakwasi Devil Graham 2008
asaakwasi Devil Graham 2008
ase That yonder one Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ase(n) that yonder (is the) one Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ase+n that yonder (is the) one DEM WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
asebeadaga Finally Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
aseN that (over there) (contrastive) [sing, subject case] Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
aseN that (over there) Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
ash-en-bit roan Shoshone Huntington 1872
ash-en-ty want Ute? Huntington 1872
ash-sheer roan Ute? Huntington 1872
ash'i u a da hawk, red-shouldered Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ash'i um a da hawk, red-shouldered Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
ashe tsaa Thanks Graham 2008
ashe tsaa Thanks Graham 2008
asondo'i Get rusty Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
asonzɨ rust Duckwater Harbin 1988
asün that’s the one that . . .; it’s that . . . dem exst & cleft Panamint Dayley 1989
ăt oyster Goshiute Chamberlin 1908
at tank grasshopper Shoshone Huntington 1872
at-am-bar talk Ute? Huntington 1872
at-em-pha-gar trout Ute? Huntington 1872
at-taw-konts crow or Raven Ute? Huntington 1872
at'-tan-ge grasshopper shoshone of Central Nevada Merriam 1979
ata uncle, mother's brother N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ata nephew/niece of a man N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ata uncle (mother's brother)-SUBJ N Miller
ata man's sister's children-SUBJ N Miller
ata mother’s brother; man’s si. child Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
ata niece, nephew (ms) n Panamint Dayley 1989
ata uncle, mother's brother, nephew/niece of a man N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ata-'a uncle, mother's brother-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ata-'a nephew/niece of a man-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ata-i uncle (mother's brother)-OBJ N Miller
ata-i man's sister's children-OBJ N Miller
ata' Ouch Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ata'mu Car Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
ataa ouch! INTRJCT Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ataa ouch!, oh! EXCL Miller
ataa ouch! intrj Panamint Dayley 1989
ataa ouch! INTRJCT Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ataa ~ ahtaa cavity in tooth n Panamint Dayley 1989
ataa, ataw ouch! Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
ataaw exclamations; interjections Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
ataingii Grasshopper Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
Atakawiya Indian Head formation in Sierras n Panamint Dayley 1989
Atakkuh Elko, NV N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
Atakkuh Elko, NV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
atammupi car, automobile n Panamint Dayley 1989
atammupia pinnaitün on the side of the car Panamint Dayley 1989
atammupian tümpe car door Panamint Dayley 1989
atamo-pin nukki-wia-tyn the car is moving Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
atamoh car-SUBJ N Miller
atamoh-a car-OBJ N Miller
atamoh-kahni, atamopih-kahni garage Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
atamoh, atamopih car Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
atamu automobile Duckwater Harbin 1988
atamu car Duckwater Harbin 1988
atamu vehicle Duckwater Harbin 1988
atamu Automobile Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
atamuh car, automobile N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
atamuh car, automobile N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
atamuh-a car, automobile-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
atankuttsih red ant-SUBJ N Miller
atankuttsih-a red ant-OBJ N Miller
atantohi si:law:wo N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
atantohi sister-in-law of a woman (ata mo.bro) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
atantohi sister-in-law of a woman [also of a man by some] N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
atantohi-ø si:law:wo-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
atappu uncle (mother’s brother), man’s sister’s child Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
atapu uncle (MoBr, FaSiHu) n Panamint Dayley 1989
atapü ~ ahtapü jaw n Panamint Dayley 1989
atasenkoattsih spider N Miller
atattsi fa:law N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
atattsi father-in-law (ata ‘mo.bro; -ttsi diminutive’) Mixco's Abbreviation (10/31/2005)
atattsi father-in-law N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
atattsi-a fa:law N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
atawow Ouch Graham 2008
atawow Ouch Graham 2008
ate(n) that, yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ate(n) that yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
atee(n) those yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ateen these near here.POSS DEM Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ateetu blacksmith n Panamint Dayley 1989
atehe(n) those two yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
atehen those two yonder.POSS DEM WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
atehi those two yonder.OBJ DEM WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
atehi those two yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
aten that yonder.SUBJ DEM Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ateweh those two yonder.SUBJ DEM WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
ateweh those two yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
ati'i Male (old) Graham 2008
ati'iwan fearless, brave, threatening, powerful adj Panamint Dayley 1989
atii these near here.OBJ DEM Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
atii those yonder Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
atiinna flour n Panamint Dayley 1989
atɨgo potato bug Duckwater Harbin 1988
atɨnggi grasshopper Duckwater Harbin 1988
atogo Potato bug Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
atoosi rice n Panamint Dayley 1989
ats. Amaranthus sp Goshiute Chamberlin 1911
atsa bad, nasty, mean, evil WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
atsa ax n Panamint Dayley 1989
atsa bad, mean, evil, nasty ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
atsa napuite(n) ugly ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
atsa napuite+n ugly ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
atsa napunnite(n) ugly ADJ Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
atsa napunnite+n ugly ADJ WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
atsa" bad, nasty adj Panamint Dayley 1989
atsakkamman taste nasty Panamint Dayley 1989
atsakkamman taste bitter Panamint Dayley 1989
Atsappaa Badwater Springs in Death Valley n top Panamint Dayley 1989
atsiX red root (Amaranthus) N Miller
att good Ute? Huntington 1872
attakittsi blink the eye, wink vi Panamint Dayley 1989
attankih grasshopper N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
attankih grasshopper N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
attankih-a grasshopper-OBJ N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
attankih? grasshopper Goshiute Merriam 1979
attappu round adj Panamint Dayley 1989
attapüsü different(ly) adj and adv Panamint Dayley 1989
attasumpi plant sp (small, in desert, with blue flowers) n Panamint Dayley 1989
attem Suaeda torreyana v. ramosissima Shoshone of Nevada Train 1941
attem Suaeda torreyana v. ramosissima Shoshone of Nevada Train 1957
attu(n) over that way yonder, here and there; throughout, all over Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
attu+n over that way yonder, here and there DEM/LOC Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
attu+n throughout, all over DEM/LOC Crum&Dayley2
attun through there loc Panamint Dayley 1989
attüttüttü ouch! intrj Panamint Dayley 1989
atu Here and there Graham 2008
atu Here and there Graham 2008
atü that (one) in sight; he, she, it dem new Panamint Dayley 1989
atümmü those (ones) in sight dem pl new Panamint Dayley 1989
atungku those two in sight dem dl new Panamint Dayley 1989
au'wi-a a woman, wife of ĭn'gĭ-tsi Goshiute Chamberlin 1913
aukage rifle Ute? Huntington 1872
auni Like that out of sight Graham 2008
auni Like that out of sight Graham 2008
avaite outdoors Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
avaitsise early Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
avi clay, white Duckwater Harbin 1988
awa With that (instrument) Graham 2008
awa With that (instrument) Graham 2008
awa'i With that (person) Graham 2008
awa'i With that (person) Graham 2008
awa'ih like that yonder ADV WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
awa'ih like that yonder ADV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
awabazi half sister Duckwater Harbin 1988
awai Hear, obey Graham 2008
awaN rib(s), rib cage Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
awapazi Half sister Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
awappo'i desert spring lizard, Sceloporus magister n Panamint Dayley 1989
awatambi Rib Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
awatame thoracic cavity Shoshoni Tidzump 1970
awatumb ribs Duckwater Harbin 1988
awe dish, cup N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
awe cup-SUBJ N Miller
awe Dish Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
awe dish, cup N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
awe goixo'i Wash dishes Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
awe-i cup-OBJ N Miller
awi miss aim, miss shooting TV Crum&Dayley2
awi miss, shooting Duckwater Harbin 1988
awi miss (a shot in hunting), miss (a shot or target), miss aim; dig TV Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
awi'i Miss, shooting Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
awi" to miss (a target) Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
awisü later, soon; wait! adv Panamint Dayley 1989
awɨ cup Duckwater Harbin 1988
awɨ plate Duckwater Harbin 1988
awo dish, cup N WSdict02.txt, Crum&Dayley1, Crum&Dayley2
awo dish, plate Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
awo dish, cup N Duck Valley Crum, Crum, and Dayley 2002
awogozho'hae- to wash dishes Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
awogozhohae- to wash dishes Fort Hall Shoshone Fort Hall
awogozhol[']hai to wash dishes Fort Hall Shoshoni Gould and Loether 2002
awy cup Big Smoky Valley Shoshoni Crapo 1976
aza'ai Unpleasant Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
Aza'aigammana Bitter Graham 2008
Aza'aigammana Bitter Graham 2008
aza'asuanga Hate Graham 2008
aza'asuanga Hate Graham 2008
azaa Nasty Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaa Bad Graham 2008
azaa Bad Graham 2008
azaai Bad Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaai Mean Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaai gwana Oder (bad) Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaai gwanade Smelling bad Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaai nabuini Ugly looking Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaai nakwa Mess up, to Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaai'gamma Bad taste Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaai'gwana Bad odor Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaaifue Awful Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaaigamana Taste bad Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaainabuide Ugly Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaainahayu Be dishonest Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaainaka Wrong Graham 2008
azaainaka Wrong Graham 2008
azaainiu'yekwi Obnoxious Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaaisua Feel bad Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaaisuan Sad Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
azaasunga Dislike Ely Shoshoni Graham 2008
Last Updated: 5/31/23