GBIA Video: Laura Stark Rainey
Laura Stark Rainey is a Western Shoshone from the Ely Shoshone Tribe part of the Western
Shoshone Nation. Laura took us on a tour of the Cave Lake State Park and surrounding
areas describing the hunting and gathering practices of the Western Shoshone. She
also tells us of the U.S. Calvary and the Spring Valley or Swamp Cedar Massacre, as
well as other interactions with the Shoshone and the government. And in extension
how much of the land has been taken into BLM or federal hands. She also speaks about
her ambition to start a heritage center devoted to the Shoshone. She ends her oral
history by telling us about her life, her husband, and her education in engineering. (GBC VHC Description, 07/31/2017)
Transcript (PDF)